

The MARTEC project produced reports and public issues in its different workshops which can be dowloaded in the table below.


The reports answer to questions like: Which national programs and funding organisations exists? What are the recommendation on how to overcome barriers? Are there recommended areas for future co-operation in Maritime Research? One report presents guidelines for a future coherent European research and demonstration policy for the maritime industry, other the use of new and existing network for European maritime research and testing facilities.



Download documents and disseminations
D1.1 Common call procedures 114.77 KB 09.01.2012 [pdf]
D4.2 - Programs managers mobility plan 855.61 KB 16.12.2010 [pdf]
D3.7 - Maritime stakeholder database for the new Member Countries 336.77 KB 16.12.2010 [pdf]
D3.6 Guide for MARTEC Evaluation 57.68 KB 12.01.2010 [pdf]
D3.3/D3.4 Best practice manual on dissemination and exploitation 2.04 MB 12.01.2010 [pdf]
D3.1/D3.2 Action plan and List of success criteria 208.95 KB 12.01.2010 [pdf]
D2.4 Recommendations of areas for future co-operation in Maritime Research 98.12 KB 16.12.2008 [pdf]
D2.3 Report on the use of new and existing network for European maritime research and testing facilities 2.31 MB 16.12.2008 [pdf]
Presentation at ENT Meeting December 2008 1.1 MB 15.12.2008 [pdf]
MARTEC Presentation at Gdansk 1.98 MB 20.08.2008 [ppt]
D2.2 State of the art report (Analysis of gaps, priority areas, technology transfer and synergistic use of maritime research) 382.23 KB 15.12.2007 [pdf]
D2.1 Analysis of barriers 130.43 KB 30.08.2007 [pdf]
MARTEC Presentation - held at waterborne 1.11 MB 11.05.2007 [ppt]
State of the art report (National programs, funding organisations, priority areas and policies) 924.44 KB 20.04.2007 [pdf]

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